"Supporting Data Journalism through Compilers for Visual Inputs" by Parker Ziegler

Supporting data journalism with Cartokit's compilers for visual inputs, enabling interactive graphics with minimal programming expertise.

Key takeaways
  • Compilers can open up new interaction models for building interactive graphics, allowing for greater design flexibility and reducing the need for manual reverse engineering.
  • Data journalists often face a “gulf” between visual input and textual representation, making it difficult to reuse and retarget existing visualizations at new datasets.
  • The Cartokit system is being developed to address this challenge, enabling data journalists to interact with visual inputs and see those interactions propagated to output programs.
  • The Cartokit compiler translates visual inputs into intermediate representations, which are then used to generate output programs.
  • Data journalists can use Cartokit to retarget existing visualizations at new datasets, reducing the need for manual reverse engineering and increasing the efficiency of graphics development.
  • The concept of “visual inputs” encompasses a range of formats, including Figma files, SVG subtrees, and other visual design representations.
  • Compilers can help reduce the cognitive load on data journalists, allowing them to focus on higher-level design decisions rather than low-level programming details.
  • The Cartokit system is being developed with a focus on geospatial data and visualization, but has the potential to be applied to other domains as well.
  • The goal of Cartokit is to empower data journalists to create high-quality, interactive graphics with minimal programming expertise.