Sure, Let Business Users Build Their Own. What Could Go Wrong?

Business users build apps without security considerations, leading to data breaches and security risks. Automation and orchestration can help manage these apps and keep them secure.

Key takeaways
  • Business users are building applications without proper security considerations, leading to potential data breaches and security risks.
  • Low-code and no-code platforms make it easy for business users to build applications, but this can result in a lack of security expertise and visibility.
  • Data is being stored in obscure locations, making it difficult for security teams to monitor and manage.
  • The amount of data being generated by low-code and no-code applications is massive, making it hard to keep track of.
  • Automation tools are being used to generate applications, but this can lead to security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
  • Platforms are responsible for building guardrails to ensure security, but business users are not always aware of or following best practices.
  • Low-code and no-code applications are being built on top of other platforms, making it difficult to determine ownership and accountability.
  • Security teams are often not involved in low-code and no-code initiatives, leaving business users to make security decisions on their own.
  • There is a lack of security awareness and training among business users, leading to insecure application development.
  • The scale of the problem is huge, with millions of users and tens of thousands of applications being built.
  • It is important to teach business users about security and provide them with tools and resources to build secure applications.
  • Automation and orchestration are key to managing the scale of low-code and no-code applications and keeping them secure.
  • Cloud providers need to take ownership of their platforms and provide better visibility and control for security teams.
  • The security community needs to raise awareness about the risks and challenges of low-code and no-code applications.