Talks - Erik Tollerud: How Python is Behind the Science of the James Webb Space Telescope

Python powers the James Webb Space Telescope's software infrastructure, enabling data analysis, processing, and control of the spacecraft's instruments through a range of custom-built tools and applications.

Key takeaways
  • Python was used to develop the James Webb Space Telescope’s (JWST) software infrastructure.
  • JWST’s software is written in Python and uses a combination of NumPy, SciPy, and scikit-image for data analysis and processing.
  • The NASA’s Eyes on the Solar System (EOTS) web application was created using Python to visualize JWST’s trajectory and provide a virtual view of the spacecraft’s flight path.
  • The JWST’s Instrument Control System (ICS) uses a combination of Python and C++ to control the instruments and collect data.
  • Python is used for data reduction and handling, allowing scientists to quickly and easily analyze the data.
  • Custom algorithms were developed in Python to handle the complex data processing requirements of JWST.
  • The JWST’s Mission Operations Center (MOC) uses a combination of Python and other languages to manage the mission’s operations.
  • The JWST’s Science Operations Center (SOC) uses Python to develop software tools for scientists to analyze data and plan observations.
  • The JWST’s Primary Mirror Segments (PMS) uses Python to develop software for mirror alignment and control.
  • The JWST’s Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) uses Python to develop software for navigation and targeting.
  • The JWST’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) uses Python to develop software for data analysis and processing.