๐Ÿš€ The Craftsman's Oath / Clean Craftsmanship (Robert Uncle Bob Martin)

Discover the 10 commandments of Clean Craftsmanship, a manifesto for a kinder, more inclusive software development culture, and learn how to prioritize respect, professionalism, and well-being.

Key takeaways
  • The number of programmers doubles every 5 years, leading to an exponential growth.
  • In the early days, programmers worked in small teams, without process and on tight budgets.
  • The industry has evolved, with the rise of programs, languages, and practices like functional programming, object-oriented programming, unit testing, and acceptance testing.
  • The 10 commandments of Clean Craftsmanship are:
    • I will not produce harmful code.
    • I will continually ensure that others can cover for me.
    • I will never stop learning and improving my craft.
    • I will continually work to improve my craft.
    • I will not mock or qualify someone based on their gender, race, national origin, or religious beliefs.
    • I will not engage in any kind of harassment or bullying.
    • I will continually ensure that my code is open and transparent.
    • I will continually ensure that my code is secure and reliable.
    • I will continually ensure that my code is maintainable and scalable.
    • I will never compromise my personal integrity.
  • The industry is plagued by the lack of a Code of Conduct, and practices that promote bullying, harassment and harm.
  • Clean Craftsmanship is not just about code, but about principles, practices and cultures that promote respect, inclusivity and professionalism.
  • We need to adopt a Hippocratic oath-like Code of Conduct that prioritizes the well-being and safety of professionals, and promotes a culture of kindness, respect and professionalism.