Thomas Dupriez Flexible course management and validation system using Jupyterhub with additional s

Develop a flexible course management and validation system using JupyterHub, featuring course creation, assignment management, and grading integration.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker is working on a project to create a flexible course management and validation system using JupyterHub.
  • The system allows teachers to create courses, assignments, and grade submissions.
  • The system includes a symbolic link setup to manage multiple courses on the same server.
  • The system uses Markdown editor for students to submit assignments, which are then compared to other submissions using a similarity metric.
  • The system allows teachers to restrict access to students and has a feature to export grades.
  • The system uses Flask to integrate with Shiboret authentication.
  • The speaker is working with the University of Lyon I, INSA, and the Department of Mechanics to implement the system.
  • The system aims to train non-computer science people to use Python and develop web applications.
  • The system has a goal to buy new servers to accommodate more students.
  • The system is still under development and has a long-term plan to transition to a new server migration.
  • The system is currently only supporting Leonardo 1 University and needs to be expanded to support other universities.
  • The speaker is working on integrating COMSOL and other applications to the system.
  • The system aims to train teachers to use the tool and its features.