TSSHOCK: Breaking MPC Wallets and Digital Custodians for $BILLION$ Profit

Experts reveal a devastating new attack on Multiple-Party Computation (MPC) wallets and digital custodians, capable of generating enormous profits by recovering private keys and stealing cryptocurrency.

Key takeaways
  • The TSSHOCK attack is capable of recovering private keys from MPC wallets and digital custodians, potentially resulting in a $BILLION$ profit.
  • The attack can be launched on the Red Hole Network, a popular blockchain bridge, using its Tresno ECDSA protocol.
  • The alpha shuffle attack can be used to create a backdoor in the MPC wallet, allowing an attacker to recover the private key.
  • The C guess attack can be used to guess the challenge bits and recover the private key.
  • The C split attack can be used to split the private key into smaller parts, making it more difficult to recover.
  • The scheme uses a larger challenge space with no DLN proof iterations, making it vulnerable to attacks.
  • The DLN proof can be attacked using the C guess and C split attacks, allowing an attacker to recover the private key.
  • The attack works by amortizing the computational cost of recovering the private key over multiple iterations.
  • The probability of success increases with each iteration, making it more likely to recover the private key.
  • The attack can be used to recover private keys from popular MPC wallets and digital custodians.
  • The attack was demonstrated on a live network, showing that it is possible to recover private keys and steal funds.
  • The attack is still unknown to the developers of the affected protocols, highlighting the importance of rigorous security evaluation.
  • The attack could potentially be used to steal millions of dollars in cryptocurrency.