Unix Domain Socket: A Hidden Door Leading to Privilege Escalation in the Android Ecosystem

Unix Domain Sockets: A Hidden Door to Privilege Escalation in the Android Ecosystem, exploring unique vulnerabilities and attack paths, including packaging mistakes, misconfiguration and lack of input validation, to improve security and detection.

Key takeaways
  • Unique Domain Sockets (UDS) are a hidden door to privilege escalation in the Android ecosystem.
  • UDS are created in native code and are a standard component of the POSIX operating system.
  • UDS can be used to bypass access control restrictions, making them a valuable attack target.
  • There are two common mistakes that result in dangerous interfaces being exported: packaging configuration mistakes and misconfiguration vulnerabilities.
  • UDS services often ignore their security because untrusted apps cannot directly access them.
  • Access restrictions cannot solve all security problems, and it is highly recommended to improve the security of the service implementation itself.
  • Automated RSS methods can help improve the efficiency of UDS vulnerability mining.
  • Code QL and static chain analysis are effective tools for code analysis.
  • UDS services often have access control, but this cannot determine how the upstream process uses the UDS service.
  • There are three attack paths: directly using the UDS, sending payload to the hardware vendor service, and then forwarding to the UDS service, or using a broadcast receiver to receive log measurement commands.
  • UDS services are often ignored in the communication flowchart, making them a hidden door to privilege escalation.
  • Access restrictions can only determine who can access the UDS service, but cannot determine how the upstream process uses this UDS service.
  • There are many ways to do access control for UDS, including SE_INUX policies and macros.
  • UDS services often have logical vulnerabilities, which are often caused by the lack of input validation.
  • UDS services often have integer overflow vulnerabilities, which can be exploited to achieve command injection.
  • Automated analysis methods can help improve the efficiency of UDS vulnerability mining.
  • There are many tools available for UDS vulnerability mining, including code QL, static chain analysis, and SEsearch.
  • UDS services often have memory corruption vulnerabilities, which can be exploited to achieve privilege escalation.
  • There are many ways to bypass access control restrictions, including using a broadcast receiver to receive log measurement commands.
  • UDS services often have code injection vulnerabilities, which can be exploited to achieve privilege escalation.
  • Automated analysis methods can help improve the efficiency of UDS vulnerability mining.
  • There are many tools available for UDS vulnerability mining, including code QL, static chain analysis, and SEsearch.