Tutorials - Jessica Greene, Chioma Onyekpere: Monitoring carbon emissions: making the impact...

Monitoring carbon emissions involves data collection, preprocessing, visualization, and applying machine learning algorithms to predict and reduce emissions.

Key takeaways
  • Collect data from various sources: Monitoring carbon emissions requires collecting data from various sources, including government agencies, companies, and organizations.
  • Use worldbank and NASA datasets: Utilize datasets from the World Bank and NASA to gather information on greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Data preprocessing is crucial: Proper preprocessing of data is necessary to ensure accuracy and quality of the data.
  • Data visualization is important: Visualizing the data helps to identify trends and patterns, making it easier to understand and make decisions.
  • Machine learning algorithms can be applied: Machine learning algorithms can be applied to predict future emissions and identify areas where reductions can be made.
  • Combining data sources and machine learning: Combining data sources and using machine learning algorithms can help to improve the accuracy of emissions estimates.
  • Addressing data gaps: Identifying and addressing data gaps are crucial to improving the accuracy of emissions estimates.
  • ssolvents and carbon sinks: Understanding the role of solvents and carbon sinks is essential to accurately estimating carbon emissions.
  • Next steps: Further research and collaboration are needed to improve the accuracy of carbon emissions estimates and to develop effective strategies for reducing emissions.