Web3 for web developers - Building on NEAR Protocol I Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

Discover how to build on the NEAR Protocol, a fast, low-fee blockchain for web developers, through a demo of wallet creation, contract development, and frontend interaction with the Near API JS.

Key takeaways
  • Introduction: The speaker introduces himself and welcomes the audience to the JavaScript workshop.
  • NEAR Protocol: The speaker explains that the NEAR Protocol is a layer one proof of stake blockchain that aims to provide fast transactions, low fees, and a user-friendly interface for developers.
  • Creating a Wallet: The speaker demonstrates how to create a wallet and deploy a contract on the NEAR Protocol using the Near API JS.
  • Contract Development: The speaker explains that the contract is written in TypeScript and provides a simple example of how to interact with the contract using the React library.
  • Coin Flipping Contract: The speaker demonstrates how to build a coin flipping contract that allows users to pass in either “heads” or “tails” and updates the outcome based on the random number generated.
  • Frontend Development: The speaker explains that the frontend is built using React and can interact with the smart contract deployed on the NEAR Protocol.
  • Near API JS: The speaker introduces the Near API JS, a tool that allows developers to interact with the NEAR Protocol using JavaScript and provides examples of how to use it.
  • Developer Resources: The speaker highlights the importance of providing developers with resources and support to build on the NEAR Protocol, including documentation, examples, and community channels.
  • Conclusion: The speaker concludes by thanking the audience and encouraging them to explore the NEAR Protocol and its developer resources.