What Django Deployment is Really About by James Walters

Learn the essential considerations and practical solutions for deploying a Django application. From setting up the web server to handling security and media files, get a comprehensive overview of the deployment process.

Key takeaways
  • Deployment is a complex process with many considerations, but can be boiled down to a handful of main concerns.
  • The process of deployment includes setting up the web server, handling static files, configuring the database, and thinking about security and logging.
  • SQLite is a good option for a development database, but may not be suitable for production use.
  • A web server is required to serve your application, and Apache and Nginx are two popular options.
  • Django provides tools for handling static files, including the static tag and the collectstatic command.
  • Media files, such as user-uploaded files, require special consideration in terms of storage and access control.
  • Containerization, such as with Docker, can be a useful technology for deployment, but is not required.
  • Platform as a service (PaaS) providers, such as Heroku, can simplify the deployment process, but may not provide as much control as a virtual private server (VPS).
  • The web server is responsible for serving files and handling requests, while the application server handles the business logic.
  • Django’s WSGI server provides a way to integrate the application server with the web server.
  • The process of deployment involves many moving parts, and understanding how they interact is key to successfully deploying a Django application.
  • There are many resources available to help with deployment, including tutorials and online courses.
  • Security is a critical consideration in deployment, and involves setting up HTTPS, configuring allowed hosts, and implementing secure cookies.
  • White noise is a middleware that can help with handling static files and providing a faster response time.
  • Django’s built-in support for static files makes it easy to get started with deployment.