Why Build Solutions with Fulcro - Tom Toor

Discover Fulcro, a data management framework, simplifying React app building with declarative schema, query builder, and caching.

Key takeaways
  • Fulcro provides a way to declaratively flex the shape of the schema to match the UI.
  • It uses query builder for testing out Graph QL, which is arbitrary but also has implicit coupling.
  • Fulcro has a data pool problem where overlapping data leads to denormalized state.
  • Fulcro professionally for about three years, and it’s never had data sync problems.
  • It has a caching system, and it can actually do optimistic updates.
  • Fulcro has a query engine that can run in 8 milliseconds.
  • It provides a way to flatten result from the server to the client.
  • Fulcro uses a normalized data store in the client.
  • Fulcro has a materialized view, which is a view of the data that’s used by the UI.
  • Fulcro has a way to encapsulate all the behavior in a state machine, which was able to encapsulate all the behavior in about 30 lines of code.
  • Fulcro provides a way to fan out result to the top level component.
  • Fulcro is able to give the UI access to the query engine.
  • Fulcro can turn data into a query string and vice versa.
  • Fulcro provides auto-combination of queries for better performance.
  • Fulcro provides a way to specify the type of data using CLJC.
  • Fulcro provides a way to implement mutations in whatever context.
  • Fulcro provides a way to normalize the data and give it to the UI.
  • Fulcro has a query engine that is fast and can read all the data out of the client database.
  • Fulcro provides a way to specify what is being looked for in the data.
  • Fulcro provides a way to show queries and data requirements.
  • Fulcro provides a way to make queries that have duplicate data.
  • Fulcro provides a way to encapsulate all the behavior in a state machine.