You Shall Not Password: Modern Authentication for Web Apps - Eli Holderness - NDC Sydney 2022

Learn how to implement modern authentication for web apps, including best practices for security, user experience, and multi-factor authentication methods like SAML, OIDC, FIDO2, and biometrics.

Key takeaways
  • Authentication should not be hard to use securely, emphasizing user experience.
  • Be cautious when using insecure systems with legitimate users, as it may lead to insecure behaviors.
  • FleetMint is an identity provider offering a modern authentication service.
  • SAML & OIDC are two mainstream methods for authentication.
  • XML is an insecure language for encryption.
  • FIDO2 is a security standard for authentication which is supposed to improve security by eliminating the risks of XML-based security.
  • Hardware tokens like YubiKey and U2F are recommended for improved security.
  • Biometric authentication is also another option for multi-factor authentication.
  • The ability to log out and revoke access to identity is important for security.
  • The abstraction of “things you have” such as hardware tokens increases security.
  • The use of OpenID Connect and the supported authentication protocols (e.g., SAML) enhance security and simplify the authentication process.
  • Losing access to your primary identity provider or device can compromise security.
  • A multi-factor authentication approach using different authentication factors (knowledge, possession, biometrics) can increase security.