You're Growing, but Are You Scaling? (DeveloperWeek Global 2020)

Unlock the secrets to scaling yourself and your team, covering essential topics such as leadership, communication, flexibility, and more, from a developer's perspective.

Key takeaways
  • Be open to new opportunities and explore things that you think you don’t have skills for.
  • Understanding your blind spots helps you bring in the right support.
  • Set a good vision for your team and ensure it aligns with company goals.
  • Learn from external industry events and bring in external speakers to your team.
  • Keep learning as a leader and update your skills.
  • Finding a balance is key to scaling yourself and your teams.
  • Set clear boundaries for your team and ensure they can self-organize.
  • Offer workplace flexibility to improve work-life balance.
  • Use a framework for your own learning and keep learning from consultants, YouTube videos, blogs, and books.
  • Stay focused on your goals and communicate effectively with your team.
  • Be authentic and bring your full self to work.
  • Feedback is a valuable gift, and it’s okay to not know everything.
  • Learn from your mistakes and course correct as needed.
  • Set bold goals that push you to learn, fail, and succeed fast for your teams.
  • Communicate and delegate responsibility to your team effectively.
  • Keep your calendar public to increase transparency and accessibility.
  • Set clear goals and timelines for yourself and your team.
  • Synthesize information and chart out what you want to accomplish.
  • Scale yourself by increasing revenue without incurring significant costs.
  • Scaling requires alignment between what employees value and what the organization values.
  • Use a centralized tool for testing that scales well.
  • Prioritize learning, self-organization, autonomy, and responsibility when scaling teams.
  • Keep learning from your personal network and stay close to the hiring process.
  • Offer flexible work arrangements, such as working from home, to improve work-life balance.
  • Learn from different organizations and cultures, and adapt to new situations.
  • Use asynchronous documents to communicate with your team.
  • Encourage self-organization and autonomy within your teams.
  • Distribute responsibility effectively within your team.
  • Stay proactive and get on top of issues as they arise.
  • Be mindful and present in your thoughts and actions.
  • Use a framework for goal setting, defining boundaries, and establishing priorities.
  • Prioritize feedback and use it to improve yourself and your team.
  • Use communication and delegation to build trust with your team.
  • Scale your teams by increasing output and efficiency without incurring significant costs.
  • Learning from failure and adaptability are key to successful scaling.
  • Keep your calendar public to demonstrate transparency and accessibility.
  • Prioritize learning, self-organization, and distribution of responsibility when scaling teams.
  • Use asynchronous documents to communicate with your team.
  • Set clear goals and timelines for yourself and your team.
  • Stay focused on your goals and communicate effectively with your team.
  • Prioritize learning, self-organization, and autonomy within your teams.
  • Distribute responsibility effectively within your team.
  • Stay proactive and get on top of issues as they arise.
  • Use a framework for goal setting, defining boundaries, and establishing priorities.