#1 Founding Teams - (Spring Health) Adam Chekroud | Slush 2022

Learn from the founding team of Spring Health as they share their insights on building a successful company, prioritizing trust, removing risk, and making the right hires.

Key takeaways
  • First founding teams should prioritize trust, not balance, when building a company.
  • Co-founders should consider their commitment to the company and each other, rather than splitting equity equally.
  • It’s important to have a conviction in the founding idea and continually remove risk from the company until the exit criteria is met.
  • Founding teams should be open to growth and change, and willing to put in the work to overcome weaknesses.
  • Hiring the right people, regardless of skillset, is crucial for the company’s success.
  • Building trust takes time and effort, and should be a priority for founders.
  • Companies should prioritize revenue over building product features.
  • Founding teams should have a clear understanding of each other’s motivations and goals.
  • Having a technical co-founder is not always necessary, and founders should be critical of whether they really need one.
  • Founders should be willing to give up control and hire people who are better at certain tasks.
  • Companies should prioritize trust and remove risk from the company until the exit criteria is met.
  • Founding teams should have a clear understanding of what they are building and what they are trying to achieve.
  • It’s important to have a clear understanding of each other’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Companies should focus on revenue and should not prioritize building product features.
  • Founding teams should have a clear understanding of each other’s goals and motivations.
  • Trust is essential in any successful company, and should be a priority for founders.