An alternative history of crypto: the real history of blockchain and what if means for investors

Discover the untold history of blockchain and what it really means for investors, debunking misconceptions and revealing the true potential of this transformative technology.

Key takeaways
  • Decentralization is not necessarily synonymous with freedom, and the current emphasis on it may be misguided.
  • The original Ethereum team had a more nuanced understanding of blockchain technology, but their focus shifted to creating a financial system.
  • The concept of programmable tokens is outdated and doesn’t reflect the true potential of blockchain technology.
  • The focus on TPS (transactions per second) is irrelevant in the context of blockchain technology.
  • The real challenge is not in creating a faster blockchain, but in making blockchains useful and accessible.
  • The EVM is a limited and inefficient technology, but it is widespread and has become the standard.
  • NFTs are a representation of ownership, but the current implementation is useless for real-world assets.
  • The blockchain trilemma is a myth, and the idea that a blockchain cannot be trusted, decentralized, and scalable is unfounded.
  • The focus is on creating a better financial system, rather than just creating a faster blockchain.
  • The industry needs to move away from the current emphasis on decentralization and towards building a stable and useful financial system.
  • The concept of multiplayer computation is not new, but it is essential for privacy and security in a decentralized system.
  • The current setup for NFTs is useless if they are meant to be used for real-world assets.
  • The industry needs to focus on creating a better financial system, rather than just creating a faster blockchain.
  • The true potential of blockchain technology lies in its ability to create a decentralized and private financial system.
  • The industry needs to move away from the current emphasis on decentralization and towards building a stable and useful financial system.
  • The concept of blockchain technology is not new, but it is still misunderstood by many people.
  • The idea of creating a decentralized financial system is not a new concept, but it is still unclear what it means for investors.
  • The focus is on creating a better financial system, rather than just creating a faster blockchain.
  • The true potential of blockchain technology lies in its ability to create a decentralized and private financial system.
  • The industry needs to move away from the current emphasis on decentralization and towards building a stable and useful financial system.
  • The concept of multiplayer computation is not new, but it is essential for privacy and security in a decentralized system.