Anatomy of an Acquisition. Panel moderated by Gwen Sandberg / Inventure

Join Inventure's Gwen Sandberg as she moderates a panel discussing the anatomy of an acquisition, covering the crucial role of documentation, investment mindset, cultural alignment, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Documentation is crucial in the acquisition process, as it helps speed up the process and prevents mistakes.
  • Clear documentation helps founders make a rational decision about the acquisition.
  • The acquisition process is similar to an investment process, with the same stages and risks.
  • Open banking technology can add value to a company and be a key factor in an acquisition.
  • The culture of the acquiring company is important in an acquisition, as it can affect the outcome of the integration process.
  • Communication is key in the acquisition process, including communication between the acquiring and acquired companies, as well as with the team.
  • The integration process should be done gradually, with clear goals and communication.
  • The acquiring company should prioritize the employees of the acquired company and make them feel valued.
  • It’s important to have a clear vision for the combined company and to communicate that vision to the team.
  • The founders of the acquired company should be willing to adapt and be open to change.
  • The company should be prepared for the bumps along the way and have a plan to address them.