Best Practices for Effective Remote Hiring for Developers (DeveloperWeek Global 2020)

Learn best practices for effective remote hiring of developers, including tools and strategies for evaluating advanced skills, ensuring a fair process, and building a diverse global workforce.

Key takeaways
  • To assess advanced developer skills remotely, use tools and solutions that can help you evaluate advanced skills.
  • Prepare candidates beforehand by understanding what skills are essential, creating a structured process, and ensuring the candidate can set up their logistics well.
  • Make sure the interview process is disciplined and not biased, and that the interviewer is super prepared.
  • Use video conferencing tools to conduct remote interviews, such as HackerRank, which allows for pair programming and system design interviews.
  • Ensure that the remote interview experience is developer-friendly, and that the candidate can get a feeling of the company culture and atmosphere.
  • To build a remote hiring process, there are three pillars: 1) to increase the supply of developers, 2) to optimize the process to get the best candidate, and 3) to make sure the candidate is set up for success.
  • The future of remote work and remote hiring is promising, with companies likely to shift away from on-site interviews and towards virtual interviews.
  • Remote tech ops will become a new role in companies, focusing on accelerating remote work and remote hiring.
  • The growth rate of remote work is expected to double and continue to grow, making it essential for companies to accelerate their remote hiring processes.
  • The network effects of Silicon Valley will weaken, and companies will need to focus on building a global workforce rather than relying on local talent.
  • Companies will need to prioritize diversity and inclusion, making remote work a key part of their strategies to achieve this goal.