Bridging the Investment Gap for Female Founded Startups. Panel by Anna Andersone / Riga TechGirls

Join Anna Andersone and Riga TechGirls for a panel discussion on bridging the investment gap for female-founded startups, exploring ways to increase diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry.

Key takeaways
  • Diversify deal flow by actively seeking out female-founded companies and promoting them.
  • Companies that have diverse boards and leadership teams tend to have better return on investment.
  • Wealth is often amassed by men, and it is crucial to address the funding gap between male and female entrepreneurs.
  • Champions of change are needed, particularly male investors who can make a positive impact by investing in female-founded companies.
  • Brands should promote diversity and inclusivity, and companies should make sure everyone is welcome to apply.
  • There is a lack of representation in investment teams, and it is essential to have diverse teams making investment decisions.
  • Investment firms should focus on hiring analysts and building a diverse pipeline to address the funding gap.
  • Female founders often feel lonely and isolated, and it is crucial to create a supportive ecosystem that welcomes and encourages them.
  • Role models are vital, and it is essential to have positive and inclusive representation in the tech industry.
  • The return on investment for companies with a female founder is higher than for those with an all-male founding team.
  • It is crucial to address the bias and unconscious biases present in the investment industry.
  • Communication and storytelling are essential in promoting diversity and inclusive investing.
  • Women should not have to work harder to prove themselves, and investment firms should focus on the skills and qualifications of the founders rather than their gender.
  • It is essential to create an ecosystem that supports and encourages female founders, and male investors can play a significant role in this by providing funding and support.
  • Fundraising can be challenging for female founders, and it is crucial to address the stereotypes and biases that may be present.
  • Traditional investment firms may not be the best option for female founders, and new investment models may be needed to address the funding gap.
  • The investment industry should focus on creating a more inclusive and diverse environment by promoting diversity and equity.
  • Women should have equal opportunities to access funding and capital, and investment firms should critically evaluate their own biases and practices.