SAINTCON 2023 - Clint Sorensen - Identity Is Key To Zero Trust Design

Establish trust and identity are crucial for successful zero trust design, as highlighted by Cisco security expert Clint Sorensen in this SAINTCON 2023 talk.

Key takeaways
  • Establish trust is the first step: Clint Sorensen, a security expert from Cisco, emphasizes the importance of establishing trust between devices, applications, and users as the foundation of zero trust design.
  • Identity is key: Sorensen highlights the significance of identity in zero trust design, recommending the use of identity teams to guide and facilitate the process.
  • SCIM is crucial: The speaker emphasizes the importance of SCIM (System for Cross-Domain Identity Management) in integrating with existing systems and providing a seamless authentication experience.
  • Zero trust is not perfect, but it’s better: Sorensen shares his company’s experience with implementing zero trust, acknowledging it’s not a perfect solution, but it has brought significant improvements.
  • Core teams are essential: He stresses the importance of core teams in driving the zero trust initiative, citing their role in decision-making and execution.
  • Pillars of zero trust: Sorensen identifies three pillars: user identity, device identity, and the trust model, which are crucial for a successful zero trust implementation.
  • User authentication is a challenge: The speaker acknowledges that user authentication is a significant hurdle in implementing zero trust, citing the need for flexible and adaptable solutions.
  • IT teams need to be involved: He emphasizes the importance of IT teams in the zero trust process, citing their role in providing buy-in and enabling the necessary tools and infrastructure.
  • Zero trust is not just about technology: Sorensen highlights that zero trust is not just about implementing technical solutions, but also about changing cultural and behavioral habits within organizations.
  • Lessons learned: The speaker shares several lessons learned from Cisco’s experience, including the importance of establishing a clear direction, building a strong team, and continuously iterating and improving the process.
  • The importance of identity teams: Sorensen reiterates the importance of identity teams in driving zero trust initiatives, citing their role in providing the necessary expertise and guidance.