LeadDev Berlin 2022 Lusia Emme

Innovate, protect, and secure: learn how to effectively integrate security into software development, from threat modeling to code review, and creating a security culture within a team.

Key takeaways
  • The tool is powerful and effective, but not enough to completely secure a product.
  • Innovating first and protecting second, and prioritizing risks based on threat models.
  • Implementing security in the development process, rather than an afterthought.
  • Developing a security culture within a team, encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Using techniques like threat modeling and evil brainstorming to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Implementing metrics and dashboards to track security performance.
  • Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in code, such as weak passwords and outdated encryption.
  • Providing training and resources to developers, especially in secure coding practices.
  • Encouraging a culture of security experimentation and continuous learning.
  • Implementing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) and logging router to detect and prevent threats.
  • Integrating security into the development process, rather than treating it as a separate task.
  • Validating security assumptions through conversation with developers and security experts.
  • Using attack trees and概念 diagrams to visualize threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Encouraging a culture of transparency and openness around security issues.
  • Being prepared to adapt and evolve the security strategy as threats and vulnerabilities arise.