Andreas Scherbaum: Add geocoordinates to your addresses in PostgreSQL (PGConf.EU 2023)

Get accurate and reliable geocoordinates for your addresses using OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Nominatum, a geolocating service. Learn how to import and query OSM data, address resolution techniques, and benefits of using OSM.

Key takeaways
  • Use of OpenStreetMap (OSM) for geocoordinates: The speaker highlights the importance of using OSM for geocoordinates, as it provides free and accurate data.
  • Address verification: The speaker emphasizes the need to verify addresses, especially for embassies, as incomplete or incorrect data can lead to issues.
  • Nominatum as a geolocating service: The speaker introduces Nominatum, a geolocating service that uses OSM data to resolve addresses to coordinates.
  • Importing data from OSM: The speaker explains how to import data from OSM into a database using a Python function and APIs.
  • Querying OSM for data: The speaker shows how to query OSM for data using the nominatum service and its APIs.
  • Address resolution: The speaker discusses the importance of address resolution, as addresses can be incomplete or incorrect, and how to resolve them using OSM data.
  • Comparison of coordinates: The speaker compares coordinates from different sources (e.g., foreign office website, Google Maps) and highlights differences.
  • Address matching: The speaker emphasizes the need for precise address matching, as imperfect matches can lead to incorrect results.
  • Benefits of using OSM: The speaker highlights the benefits of using OSM, including its reliability, accuracy, and free nature.
  • Address verification tools: The speaker mentions various tools and services available for address verification, including nominatum.
  • Address matching with OSM: The speaker demonstrates how to match addresses with OSM data using nominatum and its APIs.
  • Coordinate discrepancy: The speaker notes that even with accurate addresses, coordinates may still be off due to different zoom levels or precise data.
  • Inclusive address matching: The speaker suggests using inclusive address matching, where addresses are matched with coordinates within a certain range (e.g., 200 meters).
  • Practical example: The speaker provides a practical example of using nominatum to resolve addresses to coordinates, using a sample address and query string.
  • Future solutions: The speaker touches on potential future solutions for address verification, including machine learning and more advanced algorithms.