Angular Community Meetup | May 23rd, 2023 | Jay Bell, Chau Tran, Markus Ingvarsson, & Stephen Cooper

"Discover the power of dependency injection in Angular, exploring injector creation, host element binding, and built-in tokens, including `provide`, `inject`, and `useValue`, to simplify component creation and management."

Key takeaways
  • Dependency injection works by creating an injector, instantiating dependencies, and providing them to components.
  • When creating a component, you can use the _host attribute to bind the component to a host element.
  • Angular provides several ways to provide injection tokens, including the provider property and the injector service.
  • The injector service can provide dependencies to components and services.
  • Injection tokens can be customized using the provide method.
  • Angular provides several built-in injection tokens, including provide, inject, and useValue.
  • The useValue token can be used to provide a value to a component.
  • The inject token can be used to inject a dependency into a component.
  • The provide token can be used to provide a dependency to a component.
  • Angular services can be used to provide dependencies to components.
  • Components can use services to access dependencies.
  • Dependency injection can be used to decouple components from dependencies.
  • Dependency injection can be used to simplify the process of creating and managing dependencies.
  • Dependency injection can be used to improve the flexibility and reusability of components.