Are you ready for production? by Jaana Dogan

Learn how to ensure production readiness for your new service by designing with production in mind, using reviews, canaries, and automation to reduce risk and improve quality, and by sharing best practices across teams and organizations.

Key takeaways
  • When designing a new service, it’s crucial to start with production readiness in mind, as mistakes can lead to costly fixes later on.
  • Review systems can help identify common patterns and security issues, and can be done manually or automatically.
  • Canaries can be set up to revert automatically, and documentation of the release process can help reduce risk.
  • DevOps practices are key to ensuring production readiness, and should involve the whole team in the design and testing process.
  • Configuring and testing early on can help prevent problems later on, and reviewing and refining this process is important.
  • Production readiness requires a comprehensive checklist that covers not just technical aspects but also process and organizational aspects.
  • The checklist should be reviewed and refined regularly, and should be used to identify and correct weaknesses.
  • The checklist should also be used to share knowledge and best practices across teams and organizations.
  • Decisions should be data-driven, and monitoring and analysis should be ongoing to ensure the service meets its requirements.
  • In distributing tracing, including metrics and logging, is important for understanding how the service is performing.
  • Rollbacks and reverts should be tested and documented, as should the code and configuration.
  • Automation is key to ensuring production readiness, and should be used whenever possible.
  • Reviews and checks should be performed at every stage of the process, and should involve the whole team.
  • The checklist should be kept up-to-date and reviewed regularly.
  • Production readiness is not just about the technology, but also about people and processes.
  • Decisions should be data-driven, and best practices should be shared across teams and organizations.
  • The checklist should be used to identify and correct weaknesses, and should be refined and updated regularly.
  • Automation is key to ensuring production readiness, and should be used whenever possible.
  • Reviews and checks should be performed at every stage of the process, and should involve the whole team.
  • The checklist should be kept up-to-date and reviewed regularly.
  • Production readiness is not just about the technology, but also about people and processes.
  • The checklist should be used to share knowledge and best practices across teams and organizations.
  • Decisions should be data-driven, and best practices should be shared across teams and organizations.
  • The checklist should be used to identify and correct weaknesses, and should be refined and updated regularly.
  • The checklist is a living document that should be used and refined regularly.