AyudaPy.org: From Weekend Project to Key Civic Movement During the Pandemic w Marcelo Elizeche Landó

Learn how Marcelo Elizeche Landó transformed a small weekend project into a pivotal civic movement in Paraguay, AyudaPy, and discover the power of community-driven innovation and simplicity in times of crisis.

Key takeaways
  • During the pandemic, Marcelo Elizeche Landó created AyudaPy, a platform to help people in need, and it became a key civic movement in Paraguay.
  • The project started as a weekend project, but it quickly grew into a community effort with 20 developers contributing.
  • The platform was designed to be simple and easy to use, with a form and a map for people to request help and find help.
  • It had a feature to show the location of people in need and those who are willing to help.
  • The project was created to help with the lockdown and quarantine measures in Paraguay, and it got 50,000 requests for help in just two months.
  • The platform was designed to be scalable and flexible, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.
  • Marcelo faced several challenges, including technical issues and navigating the complex ecosystem of help requests.
  • Despite the challenges, the project was successful, and it became a symbol of hope and resilience during the pandemic.
  • The project inspired others to replicate it in their own communities, and it was forked in Indonesia.
  • Marcelo’s presentation highlighted the importance of community-driven projects and the value of simple, easy-to-use platforms in times of crisis.
  • He emphasized that anyone can create a platform like AyudaPy, even with limited resources and skills.
  • Marcelo’s experience validates the importance of innovation, adaptability, and resilience in addressing complex social and humanitarian crises.
  • The project demonstrates the power of technology to bring people together and make a positive impact on communities in need.