Continuous Integration: That’s Not What They Meant • Clare Sudbery • GOTO 2023

Discover the secrets of successful software development: continuous integration, trunk-based development, and what they really mean for your team's productivity and code quality.

Key takeaways
  • Continuous Integration is not aboutROUGH quality code, but about integrating small, frequent changes to the main branch, rather than feature branches.
  • Trunk-based development is when the entire team commits to a shared main branch at least daily, making it a more effective way of doing software development.
  • Feature branches introduce queues and slow down development.
  • High-quality code is not the result of code reviews, but rather a byproduct of good development practices, such as small code changes and frequent testing.
  • Code reviews should focus on the whole codebase, not individual lines of code.
  • The quality of software decreases as the time between changes increases.
  • Code reviewers are not obliged to review every line of code, but rather focus on the overall structure and design.
  • Successful development requires a high-trust environment, where questions are encouraged and mistakes are tolerated.
  • Trunk-based development encourages collaboration and reduces risk.
  • Code reviews should not be used to shame or guilt developers, but rather to improve code quality.
  • Automated testing is essential for reducing build times and increasing confidence in the codebase.
  • Feature flags can be used to manage complex changes, but should not be overused.
  • Trunk-based development makes it easier to refactor code, as changes are small and frequent.
  • Reviews should focus on the changes made, not the change itself.
  • Merge conflicts are minimized when the entire team pushes to the main branch regularly.
  • Code reviews should not be used to judge developers, but rather to improve code quality.
  • Continuous Integration and Trunk-based development can be applied to any software project, regardless of size or complexity.