DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Day 1 Lightning Talks

Simplify complex systems with layers and research software engineering techniques. Learn from personal projects, importance of clear documentation, and efficient data storage in Python and Django.

Key takeaways
  • Layers: A way to simplify complex systems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • Python library: Author’s personal project, a library for creating Django applications.
  • Documentation: Importance of clear documentation, especially in a community-driven project.
  • Research software engineering: A discipline that seeks to improve software engineering practices in research institutions.
  • Data storage: Techniques for storing and summarizing large amounts of data, such as using a file format like Parquet.
  • Django: A Python web framework that can be used to build web applications.
  • Observational data: The importance of observational data in research, and the need to store and process it efficiently.
  • Timestamps: The need for precise timestamps in data storage and the challenges of storing and retrieving them efficiently.
  • Complexity management: Techniques for managing complexity in software systems, such as the use of layers and abstraction.
  • First aid: A brief overview of how to perform basic first aid, including the recovery position and CPR.
  • Conferences: The importance of conferences and community events in sharing knowledge and best practices.
  • Dance: Personal stories about dance, its benefits, and the importance of having fun and expressing oneself.
  • Community-driven projects: The value of community-driven projects and the need for clear documentation and collaboration.