DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Yak-shaving to Where the Puck is Going to Be.

Here is the meta description: "Join the speaker as they dive into the art of yak-shaving, exploring Neapolitan, HTmx, and efficient code approaches in their talk on optimizing Django applications for simplicity and maintainability."

Key takeaways
  • Yak-shaving: The speaker talks about how they’ve been working on a package called Neapolitan, which is a set of fast and simple CRUD views for Django.
  • Locality of behavior: The speaker emphasizes the importance of having code localized to a single file or class, making it easier to understand and maintain.
  • Template partials: The speaker discusses their work on template partials, which allow for reusing templates and making code more modular.
  • Dry vs. locality: The speaker argues that while dry code may be more concise, it can also be less maintainable, and locality of behavior is a better approach.
  • HTmx: The speaker mentions HTmx, a HTML-aware, template-based framework that leverages locality of behavior.
  • Neapolitan: The speaker presents Neapolitan as a lightweight and modular package that can be used to build fast and maintainable Django applications.
  • Avoiding yak-shaving: The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding yak-shaving (i.e., optimizing for optimization) and instead focusing on building simple and maintainable code.
  • Django template language: The speaker discusses their work on improving the Django template language, including adding support for template partials.
  • Class-based views: The speaker talks about the limitations of Django’s class-based views, such as the need to subclass and override methods.
  • Micro-optimizations: The speaker warns against micro-optimizations and suggests focusing on high-level architecture and simplicity instead.
  • Django community: The speaker encourages the audience to get involved in the Django community and contribute to the project.
  • Future of Django: The speaker hints at the future of Django, including the possibility of incorporating more template-based views and improving the template language.