Dr. Paul Elvers: Getting Started with MLOps: Best Practices for Production-Ready ML Systems | PyData

Learn the best practices for production-ready machine learning systems with Dr. Paul Elvers' talk on MLOps, covering lifecycle management, architecture, data, analytics, and essential tooling for successful collaboration and automation.

Key takeaways
  • MLOps is a field that combines machine learning and software engineering to manage the lifecycle of ML models.
  • ML system involves data storage, data processing, model training, model serving, model evaluation, and model monitoring.
  • Four dimensions of MLOps: problem, architecture, data, and analytics.
  • Important components of a minimal ML system: data storage, data processing, model training, model serving, model evaluation, and model monitoring.
  • Model training involves data exploration, model development, model evaluation, and model tuning.
  • Model serving involves deploying the trained model to a production environment.
  • Model evaluation involves tracking the performance of the deployed model.
  • Model monitoring involves tracking the performance of the deployed model over time.
  • Iterative approach to MLOps: build, iterate, and refine.
  • Important aspects of MLOps: experimentation, automation, version control, and collaboration.
  • Tooling landscape for MLOps is complex and fragmented.
  • Popular tools for MLOps: Git, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Airflow, MLflow.
  • Open-source options for MLOps: Kubeflow, Datalift.
  • Automation and orchestration are important aspects of MLOps.
  • Business KPIs are important for MLOps: customer engagement, revenue growth, user satisfaction.
  • Data quality is important for MLOps: data preprocessing, data cleaning, data augmentation.
  • Model interpretability is important for MLOps: model explainability, feature importance.
  • Collaboration is important for MLOps: data scientists, engineers, and businesses working together.