Experience of Creating JavaScript Games

Explore the creation of JavaScript games, focusing on functionality, optimization, and collaboration, with a look at suitable engines, WebAssembly, monetization strategies and the evolution of game development.

Key takeaways
  • Don’t worry too much about the visual aspects of game design, focus on getting the game functional.
  • JavaScript is a viable choice for game development, with frameworks like Phaser and PlayCanvas.
  • Optimization is important, but don’t sacrifice readability and maintainability for speed.
  • Canvas 2D API can be useful for 2D games, while other engines like 3GS and Babylon.js are suitable for 3D games.
  • WebAssembly can be used to compile languages like JavaScript and C for better performance.
  • A game designer’s primary responsibility is to create an engaging and enjoyable experience, while a developer’s role is to ensure the game is technically sound.
  • Game development is a constantly evolving field, with new technologies and frameworks emerging regularly.
  • Web games can be monetized through ads, in-app purchases, and subscription-based models.
  • Game development is a team effort, requiring collaboration between designers, developers, and artists.
  • Game engines like Phaser and PlayCanvas can help streamline the development process and reduce the need for manual coding.
  • Optimizing a game’s performance is crucial, especially for fast-paced and competitive games.