Fighters, Bards, Druids and Wizards in It – how to talk to them? by Paweł Zajączkowski

Learn to communicate effectively with team members of different personality types to foster a supportive and inclusive team environment.

Key takeaways
  • Don’t assume everyone will have the same personality type, create an environment that accommodates different types.
  • Understand that druids are introverted, wise, and perceptive, needing support and trust.
  • Fighters are extroverted, action-oriented, and effective, prioritizing tasks and results.
  • Bards are charismatic, extroverted, and interacting, focusing on people and relationships.
  • Wizards are introverted, analytical, and detail-oriented, prioritizing details and precision.
  • Each personality type has strengths and weaknesses, use them accordingly.
  • Create an environment of psychological safety, honesty, and transparency.
  • Team leaders and managers should be aware of their employees’ personality types and adapt their management style accordingly.
  • Encourage collaboration and mutual understanding among team members with different personality types.
  • Recognize that each team member has a unique perspective, fostering a diverse and inclusive team.
  • Communication is key, especially for bards, who are excellent communicators.
  • Respect the boundaries and strengths of each team member, regardless of their personality type.
  • Provide a supportive environment for all team members to thrive.
  • Recognize the importance of trust, honesty, and transparency in team dynamics.
  • Don’t underestimate the value of experiencing different personality types in a team.
  • Be prepared to adapt to different situations and personalities.
  • Understand that each team member has their own strengths and weaknesses, focus on their strengths.
  • Be flexible and open-minded when dealing with team members with different personality types.
  • Incorporate elements of self-care and team well-being to support mental health.
  • Create a culture of belonging and inclusivity in the team.