Get ready for PyCon US 2024! Tips and tricks from our community.

Embrace serendipity and connection at PyCon US 2024, where you'll discover new experiences, learn from others, and build lasting relationships with fellow Python enthusiasts.

Key takeaways
  • Be open to serendipity and new experiences at the conference.
  • Don’t have a rigid plan and allow yourself to explore and discover new things.
  • Attend talks, but also make time for hallway conversations and networking.
  • Be kind and friendly to others, even if you don’t know them well.
  • Share your knowledge and experiences with others, whether through a talk, poster, or hallway conversation.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests and passions.
  • Practice active listening and ask follow-up questions to deepen your understanding of a topic.
  • Be considerate of others who may not be native English speakers or who may have different cultural backgrounds.
  • Be prepared to share your story and experiences with others, and be open to learning from them as well.
  • Consider attending a PyCon as a way to meet new people and make friends, in addition to learning about Python.
  • Don’t be too proud to ask for help or advice from others, and be willing to share your own expertise with others.
  • Make time for activities outside of the main conference schedule, such as the PyLadies luncheon or the poster session.
  • Consider attending a PyCon if you’re interested in learning more about Python and the Python community, even if you’re not an experienced developer.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from others and build relationships with people who share your interests.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new or step outside of your comfort zone at the conference.
  • Practice gratitude and appreciation for the people and experiences that you encounter at the conference.
  • Consider giving back to the community by sharing your own experiences and knowledge with others.