Heurekus: Von der Cessna zum Open Source Airbus - Virtuelles Online fliegen in der Community

Explore the world without leaving your seat through virtual reality simulations, from flying a plane to exploring new environments and experiences. Discover the immersive power of simulations and their endless possibilities.

Key takeaways
  • Virtual reality experiences can be created using simulations, allowing users to explore new environments and experiences without actual physical presence.
  • Simulations can be used to showcase existing real-world environments, such as buildings or cities, allowing potential visitors to explore before physical travel.
  • The speaker shares his own experiences with simulations, including flying a plane and traveling to different locations around the world.
  • Simulations can be used to create entirely new environments and experiences, such as fictional cities or planets, allowing users to explore and interact in ways that would be impossible in real life.
  • The speaker notes that simulations can be used to create a sense of realism, with details such as weather, lighting, and sound effects working together to create a immersive experience.
  • The Roush simulation is mentioned as an example of a high-quality simulation experience.
  • The speaker notes that the line between reality and simulation is becoming increasingly blurred, and that simulations can be used to create a sense of authenticity and immersion.
  • The potential applications of simulations are vast, including education, entertainment, and research.
  • The speaker uses himself as an example, noting that he can experience the world through simulations and engage in activities that would be impossible in real life due to physical limitations.