How Harper Reed made the Jamstack work in government

Harper Reed reveals how the Jamstack empowered the Obama campaign and can revitalize government websites, combining static sites, APIs, and client-side rendering for fast, secure, and accessible results.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker describes Jamstack as a stack that allows you to use static sites, APIs for data, and client-side rendering to build websites and applications.
  • The speaker talks about the importance of accessibility when building websites and applications, and how the Jamstack allows for accessible and performant websites.
  • The speaker shares his experience working on the Obama campaign and how they used the Jamstack to build a website that was fast, secure, and accessible.
  • The speaker notes that the Jamstack is not a new concept, but rather a stack that has been around for a while and has evolved over time.
  • The speaker compares the Jamstack to other stacks, such as MEAN and MERN, and notes that the Jamstack is more accessible and easier to use.
  • The speaker talks about the importance of simplicity and scalability in building websites and applications, and how the Jamstack allows for simple and scalable solutions.
  • The speaker mentions that the Jamstack has been used in various areas, including government, finance, and e-commerce.
  • The speaker notes that the Jamstack is not perfect and has its limitations, but it is a powerful tool for building websites and applications that are fast, secure, and accessible.