How Many Hats Do You Own? Balancing Different Roles While Growing Your Startup

Learn how to balance different roles while growing your startup, from avoiding mediocrity to scaling leadership and delegation, and discover the importance of data-driven decision making and self-care for long-term success.

Key takeaways

Five Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t settle: As an entrepreneur, never settle for mediocrity, particularly in the early days.
  • Non-negotiables: Identify your personal non-negotiables and prioritize them.
  • Scaling leadership: Scale yourself as a leader as much as you scale your company.
  • Give away Legos: delegate tasks to high-caliber teammates and be willing to give them ownership.
  • Data-driven: Train your gut: use analytics and data to make decisions, and listen to employees.

Five Additional Takeaways:

  • The early days are crucial: hire high-caliber people right from the start.
  • Leadership delegation: as you scale, learn to delegate tasks and focus on higher-level responsibilities.
  • OKRs: use Objectives and Key Results to prioritize goals and track progress.
  • Balancing roles: have a clear understanding of your role and responsibilities at each stage of your company’s growth.
  • Burnout prevention: prioritize balance and self-care to prevent burnout.