How to Build a Rockstar Team as a Bootstrapped SaaS Company | Sujan Patel, Co-Founder Mailshake

Here is the meta description: Learn how to build a rockstar team as a bootstrapped SaaS company with expert Sujan Patel, Co-Founder of Mailshake, sharing actionable tips and strategies for attracting and hiring top talent in a competitive market.

Key takeaways
  • Work with a short job description to attract more talent.
  • Focus on must-haves, not just nice-to-haves.
  • Use a scorecard to rate candidates.
  • Pared down job descriptions to increase female applicants by 38%.
  • Use LinkedIn to attract talent.
  • Use a personality test to understand candidates.
  • Make sure job descriptions are as short as possible to make them easy to read and increase application rates.
  • When hiring marketing and sales people, create a homework assignment to assess their skills.
  • Rate candidates on their actual skills and abilities, not just what they say they can do.
  • Use a template for emails and LinkedIn messages to make it easy to connect with candidates.
  • Spend time getting to know candidates, not just doing a quick interview.
  • Be willing to learn from your mistakes and use them to improve your hiring process.
  • Use to find experts in specific channels for mentorship.
  • Ask candidates to share their passions and interests to get a better sense of their fit for the company.
  • Keep job descriptions concise and focused on must-haves to reduce candidate volume and increase quality.
  • Use a cost-benefit analysis to determine which qualities are essential for the role.
  • Use a personality test to understand candidates’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Keep scorecards for candidates and use them to compare each other.
  • Reduce job descriptions to make them more concise and increase application rates.
  • Use email, phone, and social media to reach candidates.
  • Spend time educating your team to make them better at their jobs.
  • Use a variety of formats to communicate with candidates and team members.
  • Create a sense of community and belonging among team members.
  • Use a template for emails and LinkedIn messages to make it easy to connect with candidates.
  • Focus on an area where you can make a material impact.
  • Use to find experts in specific channels for guidance.
  • Use a cost-benefit analysis to determine which qualities are essential for the role.
  • Focus on the top qualities that will make the biggest difference.
  • Keep job descriptions concise and focused on must-haves to reduce candidate volume and increase quality.
  • Use a variety of formats to communicate with candidates and team members.
  • Use a template for emails and LinkedIn messages to make it easy to connect with candidates.
  • Keep job descriptions concise and focused on must-haves to reduce candidate volume and increase quality.
  • Use a cost-benefit analysis to determine which qualities are essential for the role.
  • Focus on the top qualities that will make the biggest difference.