NERD Summit 2023: Algorave with Dan & Char at the Friday night party!

Join us for a fun and creative night of Algorave at NERD Summit 2023, exploring the importance of community, innovation, personal well-being, and creativity in our industry.

Key takeaways
  • The importance of having fun and enjoying the NERD Summit 2023.
  • The value of creativity and innovation in the industry.
  • The need for community and connection among professionals.
  • The potential for growth and development through shared knowledge and experience.
  • The importance of taking time to relax and recharge, and enjoying personal interests outside of work.
  • The value of honoring and respecting the work that has come before us, and the importance of creating a sense of continuity and tradition in our field.
  • The potential for collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas between different disciplines and industries.
  • The importance of staying curious and open-minded, and being willing to learn and adapt.
  • The value of prioritizing personal well-being and mental health, and recognizing that it is okay to not be okay.
  • The potential for technology to enhance and improve our lives, and the importance of considering its impact and ethics.