Introducing Kids to Code Through Hardware Using C++ • Sara Chipps • YOW! 2017

Discover how Jewelbots, a hardware platform, introduces kids to code through fun and accessible projects, and learn the benefits of teaching coding to kids for their future success and lifelong interest in technology.

Key takeaways
  • Coding for kids is important, as it sets them up for future success and can inspire a lifelong interest in technology.
  • Jewelbots is a hardware platform that allows kids to code and interact with physical devices, such as LED lights and motors.
  • The platform uses a microprocessor that can be programmed with C++.
  • The Arduino IDE is used to program the Jewelbots, making it easier for kids to get started with coding.
  • The device is designed to be fun and accessible, with aesthetics being a key consideration for the demographic.
  • The platform encourages kids to code for friendship, with features like button press events and LED lights that can be controlled by other Jewelbot users.
  • The non-sandbox area of the device has pre-coded functionality, such as blinking lights or animations.
  • The sandbox area is where kids can write their own code using classes and functions.
  • The device has limited space for code, so kids must learn to be efficient in their coding.
  • Clara, an 8-year-old girl, was able to code a device using the Jewelbot platform and was able to teach others how to do the same.
  • Gaming and fun interactions are key to getting kids interested in coding and technology.
  • The speaker believes that coding should be accessible and fun, and that it’s not necessary for kids to know how to code to be successful in the future.
  • The importance of coding for kids was highlighted by the speaker, who believes it can set them up for future success and inspire a lifelong interest in technology.
  • The speaker believes that people who are under 20 years old are more likely to be interested in coding and technology.
  • The platform is designed to be open and accessible, with open APIs and online communities for users to share and learn from each other.
  • The speaker believes that C++ is a valuable language for kids to learn, as it provides a strong foundation for future programming skills.
  • The device is designed to be easy to use and accessible, with features like button press events and LED lights that can be controlled by other Jewelbot users.
  • The platform encourages kids to code for friendship, with features like button press events and LED lights that can be controlled by other Jewelbot users.
  • The speaker believes that learning to code can be a fun and creative experience, and that kids can learn to code without being told to do so.