Jason Grout, Florian Wetschoreck Building on Jupyter at Databricks | JupyterCon 2023

Here is the meta description: "Join Jason Grout and Florian Wetschoreck as they explore Databricks' journey to build on Jupyter, including the development of IPY kernel, and its impact on Jupyter tooling and ecosystem."

Key takeaways
  • Building on Jupyter’s strengths, Databricks has achieved a successful transition to a proprietary kernel, IPY kernel.
  • The IPY kernel is customizable, scalable, and provides better interoperability with Jupyter tooling.
  • Two key requirements for IPY kernel are metadata specification and representing richer user interactions.
  • IPY kernel enables real-time collaboration and synchronization of document state between browsers.
  • Databricks has made several open-source contributions to the Jupyter community, including IPY widgets, improvements to the notebook format, and enabling concurrent execution.
  • The company encourages engagement with the Jupyter community, supports open-source development, and encourages builders to work with the community.
  • The journey to build on Jupyter involves understanding the Jupyter architecture, customizing the kernel, and leveraging the community’s expertise.
  • Key future steps include improving Jupiter compatibility, enabling more concurrent execution, and fostering innovation in the Jupyter ecosystem.
  • Companies like Databricks are using Jupyter as a base to build proprietary solutions, highlighting its flexibility and extensibility.
  • Future enhancements to Jupyter’s document state, concurrent execution, and metadata specification will enable richer interactivity and better user experiences.