Juan Nunez-Iglesias - View, annotate, and analyze multi-dimensional images in Python with napari

Discover how to visualize, annotate, and analyze multi-dimensional images in Python with napari, a powerful and flexible viewer that plugs into the scientific Python ecosystem.

Key takeaways
  • Napari is a Python-based viewer for multi-dimensional images
  • Plugs into the scientific Python ecosystem, with a focus on image analysis
  • Lazy loading of data, allowing for faster navigation and analysis
  • Supports 2D and 3D images, with features like zoom, pan, and rotate
  • Can load data from various formats, including OME-ZAR and CZI
  • Has a community-driven plugin architecture, with many contributed plugins available
  • Has a strong focus on usability, with a simple and intuitive user interface
  • Can be used for image analysis, visualization, and segmentation, with support for data exploration and annotation
  • Has a robust set of features for 2D and 3D visualization, including contrast limits, colormaps, and more
  • Can be used with Jupyter Notebooks, allowing for interactive visualization and analysis
  • Has a strong community behind it, with many contributors and a growing user base.