KI Park - AI can improve our lives. We are working on it | Rise of AI Summit 2020


AI can revolutionize lives, but requires bold entrepreneurship, talent development, and willingness to take risks.Germany's strong foundation must overcome proprietary thinking and build trust in AI solutions.

Key takeaways
  • To succeed in AI, Europeans must be bold, entrepreneurial, and willing to take risks in developing AI solutions.
  • The key to AI development is talent, especially in the areas of programming, data science, and engineering.
  • Germany has a strong foundation for AI development, with 12,000 startups and 700 AI startups, but needs to overcome its own competitive thinking and proprietary mindset.
  • Building trust and track records will help change the mindset of companies and communities to be more open to AI solutions.
  • Corporates need to be courageous and apply AI solutions to become or stay market leaders in their areas.
  • Education is crucial in developing AI skills, with a focus on applicable AI under market economic conditions and providing opportunities for career growth.
  • The KaiPark will focus on innovation, entrepreneurship, and education, with a strong emphasis on transparency, integrity, and respect for human rights and data rights.
  • The platform aims to bring together leaders from industry, academia, and government to create a thriving ecosystem for AI development and application.
  • Germany has the potential to become a leader in AI, but needs to overcome its hesitation and be more open to new ideas and solutions.