Leading in Tech - Michael Cullum

Learn how to lead in tech by focusing on individual growth, supporting your team, and building relationships, rather than just giving orders and directives. Discover the importance of feedback, mentorship, trust, and communication in effective leadership.

Key takeaways
  • Leaders in tech should focus on individual growth, providing support and guidance, and building relationships with their team members.
  • The role of a leader is not just about leading, but also about supporting and guiding others.
  • Good leadership is not just about giving orders, but also about understanding and relating to the people being led.
  • Leaders should strive to inspire and motivate their team members, rather than simply directing them.
  • Feedback is an essential component of leadership, and leaders should be willing to listen and adapt.
  • Leaders should also be willing to admit when they are wrong and to learn from their mistakes.
  • Mentorship is important, and leaders should be willing to mentor others and share their knowledge and experience.
  • Leaders should focus on building trust and rapport with their team members, and should be willing to put the needs of their team members ahead of their own needs.
  • Leaders should be able to communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, and should be able to listen to and consider the views of others.
  • The best leaders are those who are humble, willing to listen, and able to admit when they are wrong.
  • Leaders should prioritize the needs of their team members, and should be willing to put the needs of others ahead of their own needs.
  • Leaders should also be able to manage their own emotions and impulses, and should be willing to take calculated risks.
  • Leadership is not about individual achievement, but about the collective success of the team.
  • The best leaders are those who are able to empower and motivate their team members, and who are able to create a sense of community and teamwork.
  • Leaders should prioritize the well-being and happiness of their team members, and should be willing to support and empower them to achieve their goals.