Melanie Plageman: Making your patch more committable (PGConf.EU 2023)

Learn how to make your patch more committable by structuring your commit messages, providing clear descriptions, and following best practices to increase the chances of your commit being accepted.

Key takeaways
  • It’s not always necessary to make your commit more committable, but it’s a good idea to make it safe for others to commit it.
  • A well-structured commit message can make a big difference in how others view your patch.
  • Providing a clear description of your patch and its benefits can go a long way in convincing others to commit it.
  • Use a descriptive title for your commit message to give a quick overview of what the commit is about.
  • Break up large commits into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • Provide a concise introduction to explain the motivation behind your commit.
  • Highlighting specific changes using arrows can make the diff easier to read and understand.
  • Providing a clear explanation of why the commit is necessary can help others see its value.
  • Use the word “require” instead of “pass” to make clear that something needs to be done.
  • Providing a clear outline of the commit can help others understand its contents.
  • Don’t get discouraged if your initial commit is rejected; it’s not personal.
  • Use clear and concise language in your commit message to avoid confusion.
  • Provide evidence that supports your claims to make your commit more convincing.
  • Explain the potential risks involved with your commit to help others make an informed decision.
  • Make your commit message self-contained, with all the necessary information provided.
  • Use a consistent coding style and naming conventions to make your code more readable.
  • Add a high-level summary to your commit message to give a quick overview of its contents.
  • Explain how your commit can benefit users or make development easier.
  • Identify potential issues with your commit and provide a plan for addressing them.
  • Use clear and concise language in your commit message to explain the steps involved in testing your commit.
  • Make sure your commit message explains what needs to be fixed and why.
  • Identify the intended audience for your commit and tailor your message accordingly.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others when writing your commit message.