Migrating to JAMstack and OhShitGit!

Join us at the JAMstack conference to learn about the power of Git, version control, and collaboration as we dive into migrating to JAMstack and exploring the world of Git with "OhShitGit!"

Key takeaways

Migrating to JAMstack and OhShitGit!

  • Git is a version control system that helps track changes to code over time.
  • Distributed version control means that every developer has a full copy of the entire project’s history.
  • Git is not just for developers; it’s for anyone who wants to manage changes to files and projects.
  • Git has three main fundamental concepts: snapshots, histories, and data structures.
  • Git stores data in nodes that contain two things: some data and a pointer to another node. This creates a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure.
  • Understanding Git branches is essential for collaboration and managing different versions of a project.
  • A branch is a reference to a commit that is used to track the state of a project over time.
  • The git reflog command shows you the history of your local head, which is the branch you’re currently on.
  • The git reset command is used to point to a different commit, essentially forgetting the previous commit.
  • git revert is used to undo changes made to a file or directory.
  • Git branches can be thought of as a way to take a snapshot of the project at a specific point in time and create a new branch that points to that snapshot.
  • When creating a new branch, you can use git checkout to switch to the new branch and then git branch to create the branch.
  • GitHub is a web-based hosting service for Git repositories, but you can also host your own Git server.
  • Netlify is a platform that helps you deploy and host your website, and it has a feature called “branch preview” that allows you to see your site in a new branch before pushing it to production.
  • git status is a command that shows you the status of your local repository and what changes need to be committed.
  • Understanding Git is important for collaboration and managing changes to files and projects.
  • Version control is essential for software development, data management, and other fields.
  • Git is a powerful tool that can be used for both version control and data management.