Predicting New York City Taxi demand: spatio-temporal Time Series Forecasting | Fabian Hertwig

Predict taxi demand in New York City with spatial and temporal accuracy using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and explore the challenges and limitations of real-world data application.

Key takeaways
  • The presentation is about predicting New York City taxi demand using spatio-temporal time series forecasting.
  • The data comes from the New York City taxi commission and includes information such as trip start and end locations, time, and fare.
  • The process model involves six phases: business understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modeling, evaluation, and deployment.
  • The data is cleaned and pre-processed, and then regrouped into hexagons to account for both spatial and temporal context.
  • The model used is a convolutional neural network (CNN) with a temporal convolutional layer, which learns patterns in the time series data.
  • The model is evaluated against several baselines, including a naive approach that predicts the same demand as the previous hour.
  • The results show that the CNN model outperforms other methods, including LSTM and ARIMA.
  • The model is able to capture seasonal patterns and trends in the data, and is able to make accurate predictions for future demand.
  • The presentation also touches on the challenges of working with taxi data, including dealing with missing values and anomalies.
  • The authors also discuss the limitations of the model, including the need for retraining and the use of a limited dataset.
  • Future work involves exploring other models and methods for spatio-temporal time series forecasting, as well as integrating the model with other data sources.