"Comparing protein structures with Clojure" by Blaine Mooers

Discover how Clojure is used to compare protein structures, including aligning amino acid sequences and superimposing structures, with a focus on probabilistic programming approaches like THESEUS MAP and HMC.

Key takeaways

Protein Structure and Comparison

  • Comparing protein structures involves aligning amino acid sequences and superimposing structures.
  • Protein structure determines function, and small changes in sequence can result in significant changes in function.
  • X-ray crystallography is a common method for determining protein structure, but has limitations, such as challenging to create large crystals.
  • NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) is another method, but has lower accuracy than X-ray crystallography.
  • Probabilistic programming approaches can be used for structure comparison, such as THESEUS MAP.
  • THESEUS MAP uses Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) to reduce noise in data and improve structure alignment.
  • HMC is more efficient than random walk sampling approaches.
  • C alpha carbon atoms are important for understanding protein structure and can be used to visualize alpha helices and beta strands.
  • Protein structure prediction tools like AlphaFold can be used to compare predicted and experimental structures.
  • Comparing predicted and experimental structures can help understand why certain changes in protein sequence result in changes in function.
  • Protecting proteins from aggregation is important for function, and small changes in sequence can affect aggregation properties.
  • Mutations can occur in proteins, leading to changes in function, and understanding these changes is important for disease diagnosis and treatment.
  • Researchers have developed models to predict protein structure and compare experimental and predicted structures, such as THESEUS and THESEUS PP.
  • THESEUS and THESEUS PP use probabilistic programming approaches to reduce noise in data and improve structure alignment.
  • Portsmouth and colleagues have developed a version of THESEUS called THESEUS-HMC that uses HMC to reduce noise in data and improve structure alignment.
  • Modeling protein structure and function is important for understanding biological systems and developing new treatments for diseases.
  • Comparing predicted and experimental structures can help understand why certain changes in protein sequence result in changes in function.