Prof. Dr. Beril Sirmacek | Trustworthy AI - opening up the black box


Discover the importance of Trustworthy AI in opening up the black box of AI models, providing transparency, and building trust in high-stakes applications with Prof. Dr. Beril Sirmacek's talk on Explainable AI.

Key takeaways
  • AI is already present in all areas of life, and its impact is growing.
  • Trustworthy AI is crucial for its widespread adoption.
  • XAI (Explainable AI) is a field that aims to open the black box of AI models and provide transparency and interpretability.
  • AI models can make decisions that are not transparent or explainable, which can lead to mistrust.
  • Trust is a complex concept that is difficult to quantify or measure.
  • AI models can be biased, and their decisions can be influenced by the data they are trained on.
  • XAI methods can help identify biases and provide insights into how AI models make decisions.
  • Explainability depends on the audience and the level of transparency needed.
  • AI models can be complex and difficult to understand, even for experts.
  • XAI methods can simplify complex models and provide insights into how they make decisions.
  • Trustworthy AI is essential for its adoption in high-stakes applications such as healthcare and finance.
  • XAI can help build trust in AI by providing transparency and interpretability.
  • AI models can be trained to be more transparent and explainable, but this requires careful consideration of the trade-offs between performance and explainability.
  • XAI is a rapidly evolving field, and new methods and techniques are being developed to improve explainability and transparency.
  • Trustworthy AI is a critical issue that requires a multidisciplinary approach involving experts from computer science, philosophy, law, and ethics.