RailsConf 2024 - From Request To Response And Everything In Between by Kevin Lesht

Learn how to optimize Ruby on Rails performance for high-traffic applications by configuring multi-threading, managing connection limits, and leveraging request queues, connection pooling, and Ruby's Global VM Lock, with expert insights from Kevin Lesht.

Key takeaways
  • Multi-threading in Rails: To handle high traffic, Rails can be configured to run multiple threads within a process, allowing multiple requests to be processed concurrently.
  • Connection limits: Database connections have limits, and exceeding them can cause requests to error out. It’s essential to consider connection limits when designing a high-traffic application.
  • Request queues: Request queues help manage traffic by holding incoming requests until a process becomes available to accept new work.
  • Thread limitations: In a Rails process, the Global VM Lock (GDL) limits the number of threads that can run Ruby code at the same time.
  • Scaling: To handle increased traffic, Rails applications can be scaled by adding more processes or threads, depending on the specific requirements.
  • Connection pooling: Connection pooling allows multiple threads to share database connections, reducing the number of connections needed and improving performance.
  • Ruby’s Global VM Lock: Ruby’s GDL limits the number of threads that can run Ruby code at the same time, which can impact performance in high-traffic applications.
  • Puma: Puma is a web application server that can be used to manage multiple processes and threads in a Rails application.
  • Traffic patterns: Understanding traffic patterns is crucial for designing a high-traffic application. It’s essential to consider factors like request arrival rates, average response times, and connection limits.
  • Performance monitoring: Monitoring performance is essential for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing application performance.
  • Ruby’s connection limit: Ruby has a default connection limit, which can be increased by setting the pool_size option in the database configuration.
  • Thread safety: When using multiple threads in a Rails application, it’s essential to ensure thread safety by using thread-safe libraries and avoiding shared state.