RailsConf 2024 - Pairing with Intention: A Guide for Mentors by Alistair Norman

Expert mentorship guide: learn how to pair with intention, setting clear goals and expectations, and empowering mentees to succeed.

Key takeaways

Pairing with Intention: A Guide for Mentors by Alistair Norman

  • Pairing with intention is a deliberate approach to mentorship, focusing on achievable goals and outcomes.
  • Define Partnership: Clearly outline the goals, roles, and expectations for the pairing.
  • Skip the Excitement: Acknowledge the initial excitement and move forward by setting specific objectives.
  • Decide on Touchpoints: Schedule recurring check-ins to track progress and discuss any challenges.
  • Be Respectful of Time: Consider the mentee’s schedule and commitments when planning touchpoints.
  • Active Listening: Pay attention to the mentee’s thoughts, opinions, and concerns.
  • Avoid Intimidation: Focus on empowerment rather than intimidation through knowledge sharing.
  • Exploration Over Expertise: Create space for mentees to explore and learn, even if it means venturing outside your area of expertise.
  • Early Wins: Celebrate small victories and recognize the mentee’s progress along the way.
  • Reflect and Refine: Continuously reflect on the pairing’s effectiveness and refine the approach as needed.
  • Acknowledge When it’s Over: Respectfully conclude the pairing when goals are met or the mentorship has run its course.