Reducing the burden of incident response on your teams

Learn how to reduce the burden of incident response on your teams by fostering a culture of psychological safety, collaboration, and automation, and discover how to turn incidents into opportunities for growth and improvement.

Key takeaways
  • The burden of incident response can be mitigated by having a culture that encourages learning from incidents and promoting psychological safety within teams.
  • Effective incident response is a team game and requires collaboration and communication between teams.
  • Automation can be used to augment human capabilities, but it’s important to ensure that humans are not being replaced and are still able to learn from incidents.
  • Incidents are an opportunity to grow and improve, rather than a burden.
  • Technology can be used to assist with incident response, but it’s also important to have human expertise and judgment.
  • Having a plan and rehearsing for incidents can help to reduce stress and improve outcomes.
  • Incident response should be a team effort, with clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Communication is key during incidents, and it’s important to have a plan for communicating with stakeholders.
  • Incident response is a learning opportunity, and it’s important to review and reflect on incidents to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Automation can help to reduce the burden of incident response, but it’s important to ensure that humans are still involved and able to learn from incidents.
  • Having a culture of psychological safety is important for effective incident response.
  • Incidents can be an opportunity for growth and improvement, and it’s important to approach them with a growth mindset.
  • Technology can be used to assist with incident response, but it’s also important to have human expertise and judgment.
  • Having a plan and rehearsing for incidents can help to reduce stress and improve outcomes.