SAINTCON 2016 Keynote - Clutch and CrYpT - Lae Rcfb Evyjw Ros Tcts Fiddxd Wqoiasfx!

Discover how the Mystic Challenge transformed participants, developed problem-solving skills, and fostered lasting friendships and a sense of community among the Saint Con and DEF CON crowds.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker discusses the Mystic Challenge, a puzzle series that transformed participants, and the community surrounding it.
  • The challenge was designed to be approachable and help participants develop problem-solving skills.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of collaboration and says that people who have participated in the challenge tend to form lasting friendships.
  • The speaker mentions that people who have competed in the Mystic Challenge find it satisfying and edifying.
  • The speaker introduces the “Curious Coins” series, designed to be entry-level devices, and explains that the design process involved creating something accessible for a wider audience.
  • The speaker mentions that people who have participated in the challenge often have an “aha!” moment, where they understand the puzzle finally.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of human interaction and collaboration in solving puzzles and overcoming challenges.
  • The speaker talks about the importance of making puzzles more attainable and explains that Google proofing has been an issue in the past.
  • The speaker mentions that people who have participated in the challenge often form lifelong friendships.
  • The speaker discusses the role of Mystery Challenge in the Saint Con and DEF CON community, and how it helps build a sense of community and camaraderie.